Asset Management
PCAM is for owners of large Estates or multiple homes and for those in the process of acquiring such property. It can also serve as help to Estate managers who wish to improve on the standard of their present employer’s property. We provide information on how to fully enjoy your Estate by effectively reducing the issues, which require and occupy your time and mind. Furthermore, you will automatically gain better control and create a more comfortable environment.
There are factors, which make each Estate individual. At PCAM each estate is unique therefore require unique assessment.
PCAM determines the best (or optimal) time to rehabilitate/repair/replace aging assets. We ensure that service expectations by tenant are met whilst ensuring stringent regulatory requirements. The company also has a pool of staff ready to respond to emergencies as a result of asset failures.
We also offer through our alliances asset Protection. PCAM is a one stop shop. We give our customers access to a verity of services.
Beside the property itself, you need a content insurance, accident and health insurance for staff and yourself. It is also advisable to have most insurance’s with the same company to benefit from economies of scale. To facilitate insurance coverage, PCAM is licensed by the Central Bank of The Gambia as an insurance agent.
PCAM also has a pool of handy men that would ensure the prolonging of asset life and aiding in rehabilitate/repair/replacement decisions through efficient and focused operations and maintenance. We meet consumer demands with a focus on system sustainability based on sound operational and financial planning. The company has a policy to respond to emergencies within 12 hours.
Your property needs constant maintenance as a result; an annual maintenance schedule would be made. If you plan improvement or changes, the engagement of a qualified contractor is needed. It is for this reason that our company has partnered with a reputable construction company capable of providing the services required. After agreeing on the plan and negotiating the contract, these improvements require onsite control and supervision by our staff. If you make major improvements it is advisable to hire an independent consultant conduct the monitoring.